Dog Walking | Pack Walks | Exercise & Play


Standard Dog Walks

Standard walks are the perfect way to get your dog out and moving while you're away from home. Whether you're at work or just have a busy day full of errands, I'd be happy to take your dog for a quick walk during the day!

Your dog will get an ~30 minute walk with me at the time slot you choose. We walk for about a mile on average, but I always take it at your dog's pace.

Is your dog shy or just a bit more independent? No problem! All standard dog walks can be booked as a solo walk for just your pup.


  • Please leave your dog's leash and collar in an easy to reach place inside the door.
  • If your dog has special treats or can't have standard Milkbones, please let me know. I carry them with me on all walks, but will absolutely respect your dog's individual dietary restrictions.
  • If I have another dog during the same time slot, they will be walked together. I use special, connected leashes for these walks so the dogs are easier to handle. If you need your dog to walk solo, please be sure to pick a time slot that doesn't have any other dogs scheduled.
  • All walks are rain or shine! If your pup needs any outdoor gear like booties or a coat, please be sure to leave them in an accessible place near the door.